Research stays abroad

Research abroad and study stays in foreign countries

During the three years of the Ph.D. program, it is possible to spend periods of study or research at foreign universities, agencies or institutes, if deemed useful for the development of one's research topic.

Study stays abroad must be authorized in advance by the Doctoral Coordinator or the student's Tutor; if, on the other hand, the continuous stay is longer than six months, an official decision must also be made by the Board of teachers.

Scholarship holders can also take advantage of a scholarship surcharge for the days spent abroad.

Doctoral students who intend to carry out periods of study abroad must submit an appropriate authorization, signed by the Coordinator or Tutor, to the Doctoral Office before departure.

If the stay will last more than or equal to six months, it is necessary to have the approval of the College of Teachers as well. For scholarship holders, there is also a scholarship surcharge of fifty percent for each duly certified day spent abroad

The scholarship increase

The amount of the scholarship, for any period of stay abroad, is increased by 50% up to a maximum of 12 months from cycle 38, except as provided for in specific conventions or agreements for the internationalization of doctoral programs.

The increase is disbursed at the end of the stay abroad, at the same time as the first useful payment of the ordinary scholarship. In the event that the study abroad stay is expected to be no less than two months, the doctoral student may request an advance payment of 60 percent of the amount due for the planned period of stay. Upon return (within 15 days), the doctoral student must submit a certification regarding the period actually spent, issued by the foreign facility or failing that by the Doctoral Coordinator. The surcharge, either in full or in balance, will be paid upon return upon presentation of the certification of attendance.

Before leaving

Before leaving for a period of study and research abroad, it is mandatory to complete the online application procedure. In the procedure, it is possible to apply for a 50% scholarship increase and, if necessary, request an advance payment. The dates given at this stage are approximate, and may be corrected in the procedure when returning from abroad.

Application for attendance abroad

It is recommended to save the summary, as references from the departure form will be requested upon return.

The procedure is mandatory for all doctoral students, with and without a fellowship.
Please note: This is a different procedure from opening a mission, which is the responsibility of the department and concerns insurance purposes and possibly the research budget request. The request for attendance abroad has the value of authorization and is functional for the payment of the scholarship surcharge.

On the way back

Everyone, within 15 days of returning to Italy, must fill out the online procedure of return from the period abroad, where the actual dates of the beginning and end of the period abroad will be reported. The procedure will be validated by the supervisor or Coordinator, so it will be advisable, before filling out the procedure, to present him/her with adequate documentation proving the actual completion of the period as reported.

Return from abroad

ONLY for those who have sent the completed authorization request on a Word document before departure, a statement signed by the Coordinator or Supervisor can be handed in.

Return attendance abroad (paper)

Health care

For countries with which there is a special agreement (European countries: EU) it is enough to have a magnetic health card, which has TEAM (European Health Insurance Card) on the back. For other countries it is convenient to get private insurance (the Italian state possibly reimburses only a part, in case of significant hospital expenses). A doctoral student who spends a research period in the U.S. on a J1 visa will be required by his or her host to take out insurance. For short periods, one can reduce the guarantees as much as possible so that only hospitalization and surgery are covered. For longer periods, it is advisable to have broader coverage.