Research budget

Budget della ricerca

Each PhD student is ensured by law, in addition to the fellowship, a budget for research activities in Italy and abroad in an amount not less than 10% of the amount of the fellowship itself.

The budget for research - for which the minimum amount in accordance to law as of 01/07/2022 is € 1,624.30 per course year, is NOT made available by the University from its own funds (as is the case for the fellowship) but is available on the research funds of the supervisor and/or the related research group and/or other departmental funds.

Eligible persons

All PhD students enrolled with or without fellowship in PhD programs, excluding PhD students placed in the following specific categories:

  • PhD students employed by companies enrolled in industrial and/or high apprenticeship PhD programs
  • PhD students employed by public institutions enrolled in PhD programs with salary continuation
  • PhD students enrolled on positions reserved for fellowship holders of foreign states and/or scholarship holders of specific international mobility programs and/or in development cooperation
  • PhD students under incoming co-tutoring agreements

Request for use

PhD students who are eligible may apply for the use of the research budget, subject to prior authorization from the holder of the funds and then appropriate receipts of expenses to claim reimbursement.

The research budget is not an increase in the grant, but an allocation, at the time appropriately identified by the Department on a precise accounting project.

The request must be submitted on appropriate departmental forms, to be obtained from the secretary of the mentor's department of affiliation, and must be endorsed by the PhD student's supervisor and approved by the Department Director, together with the Administrative Secretary, for verification of legality and administrative and accounting regularity.

Eligible expenses

The budget may be used for needs congruent with the purposes of the Ph.D. program, subject to the provisions of current Ph.D. regulations, as well as public accounting rules and University regulations.

Examples of eligible expenses are:

  • registration for congresses and conferences;
  • missions in Italy and abroad;
  • laboratory consumables;
  • expenses for publications;
  • expenses for the purchase of bibliographic materials;
  • softwares;
  • scientific and technical equipment;

All inventory material that may be purchased with funds allocated to the budget for research activities will remain the property of the University.