The course of study
The doctoral program, like the undergraduate programs, involves a course of study divided into academic years, at the end of which you discuss your thesis.
Below are the macro-steps.
The procedures described are mainly done through paper forms; however, they are being revised and will soon be digitized, simplifying the submission and management of information.
The first matriculation takes place after the publication of the final rankings of the selection tests, and is open to those found to be admitted.
The procedures and deadlines are published after the competition procedures are completed.
For more information, visit the dedicated page.
Study plan
Main deadlines
- Preventive plan: must be submitted by November 30 and is a program of the activities the doctoral student intends to carry out.
- Final Plan: must be completed by October 10. It is used to document the activities actually carried out during the academic year.
- It is possible to include activities carried out at other universities or research institutions, with the approval of the supervisor or coordinator, attaching certificates of participation.
- Industrial doctoral students may include corporate activities, again with the approval of their Unife supervisor.
- Cross-training activities can also be carried out at external institutions, as long as they are equivalent in terms of topic and duration to those offered by the IUSS-Ferrara 1391 Institute for Advanced Studies.
- If disciplinary or institutional activities of the course have not yet been defined at the time of compiling the preventive plan, they can be left blank or external activities can be included.
Credits and obligations for special categories
- Research and educational activities contribute to obtaining the 60 annual credits, which are required for passing to the next year.
- Doctoral students funded by PNRR must complete the study plan even if they already report activities on the ministerial platform.
- Doctoral students in co-tutorship or international programs must also submit the preventive and final plan, as these are official documents required for career study.
Admission to the following year
Annual report:
At the end of each year, those enrolled in doctoral programs are obliged to submit a detailed report on their activities and research to the Board of Teachers, which will take care of its preservation and which, after evaluating the assiduity and industriousness demonstrated by the course member, will propose to the Dean either the continuation of the doctoral program or its exclusion.
Ph.D. students must complete the annual final plan and submit it to their Coordinator by October 10.
Enrollment in the following year's course
Enrollment for the following year, must be made starting on November 2 and by November 30, through the payment of the prescribed annual fees.
Renewal of enrollment must be made exclusively through the online procedure.
Research stays abroad
An important aspect of the course of study involves research stays at foreign institutions, which are planned as mandatory for some doctoral courses but are strongly recommended for all doctoral students.
Thesis and final examination
The Ph.D. program generally concludes after 36 months, unless extended or suspended as authorized. At the end of the third year, Ph.D. candidates submit an annual report to the Academic Board, which evaluates their work and approves the submission of the thesis to two referees.
If the evaluation is positive, candidates are admitted to the thesis discussion before a committee. Upon passing the final examination, the title of Ph.D. is conferred and the degree awarded.