Suspension of doctorate
Suspension from the 38th cycle
Art 23 of the Regulations - Pursuant to Ministerial Decree No. 226 of December 14, 2021.
From cycle 38, doctoral students may request, for proven reasons provided by law or doctoral regulations, suspension of the course for a maximum duration of six months. For the duration of the suspension there is no payment of the scholarship or other equivalent funding.
Attendance at Course activities may be suspended at the request of the doctoral student in cases of:
- maternity, paternity, adoption and foster care, in accordance with the relevant regulations in force
- documented illness or injury exceeding 30 days
- attendance of courses for teaching qualification and for all other cases provided by law for similar purposes
- in case of serious and documented personal and family reasons.
- in case of permanent employment with the public administration for the duration of the probationary period, with waiver for the same period of the scholarship
How to suspend the doctorate
To suspend the DdR, and consequently freeze the scholarship, it is necessary to submit the Suspension of Studies form to the Doctoral Office. At the time of resumption of the Doctorate, a communication signed by the doctoral student - and countersigned by the Coordinator - must also be delivered to the Office. In case of necessity, it is possible to request the continuation of the suspension beyond the initially planned period, but still within the maximum time limits described above.
Suspension form
Ph.D. resumption form
Continuation of suspension form
The PhD can be “frozen” in case of maternity/paternity leave. The suspension can be for varying periods, including periods of less than one year. Ph.D. students are entitled to a maternity allowance, if at least three months of contributory credits are credited in the 12 months preceding the two months preceding the presumed date of delivery (see the INPS website and, in particular, the section dedicated to Maternity Leave for parasubordinates).
Pursuant to the University Teaching Regulations and the Decree of the Minister of Labor and Social Security of July 12, 2007 on maternity protection, the Doctoral Program is suspended, upon submission of an appropriate application, starting from the two months preceding the presumed date of delivery and for the following three months or, starting from the month preceding the presumed date of delivery and for the following four months. Upon application, maternity suspension may be extended for a total of one year for each event. The doctoral student retains the right to the scholarship, unless its disbursement is interrupted with subsequent recovery upon resumption of attendance, it being understood that the scholarship annuities may not exceed the duration of the Course. During the months of suspension due to pregnancy, scholarship holders will receive a maternity allowance from Inps; at the conclusion of the suspension period, the University's disbursement of the scholarship will resume, which will also be extended to the period that the doctoral student will have to make up.