If you need to submit a self-certification to a public body, you can obtain it by logging in to your restricted area of Unife. After logging in with your personal credentials (username and password), select “Self-certifications” from the left menu and choose the document you wish to obtain.
Remember: the self-certification is signed by the declarant, so it can be modified at will; the downloadable document is an automatically generated template for your convenience
By email
In case you need a certificate that cannot be replaced by one of the self-certifications provided in the online restricted area, you can request it to be sent to the Doctoral Office. Your request can be received by email (dottorato@unife.it):
- Indicate “CERTIFICATE REQUEST” in the subject line;
- inform which course and cycle you are enrolled in;
- briefly describe what certificate you need.
The original certificate should be picked up by appointment at our offices. Upon request, it can be sent in original by email with electronic signature.
PLEASE NOTE: The request submitted by email must contain the purpose of the certificate.
In case the certificate requires a revenue stamp, it will be possible to pay electronically from the student's personal page, in the “payments” section.
Certificates for Public Administration
As of Jan. 1, 2012, pursuant to Law 183 of Nov. 12, 2011, the University of Ferrara can no longer proceed to issue certifications of any kind that are intended for other public bodies.
This obligation is enshrined in Article 15 of the aforementioned legislation: “Certificates issued by the public administration regarding states, personal qualities and facts are valid and usable only in relations between private parties. In dealings with bodies of the public administration and managers of public services, certificates and affidavits are always replaced by the declarations referred to in Articles 46 and 47. 02 (self-certifications, ed.). On the certifications to be produced to private parties, the following shall be affixed, under penalty of nullity: 'This certificate cannot be produced to public administration bodies or private managers of public services.'”; b) in Article 41, paragraph 2 is repealed; c) in Article 43, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: ”1. Public administrations and managers of public services are obliged to acquire ex officio the information that is the subject of the substitute declarations referred to in Articles 46 and 47, as well as all the data and documents that are in the possession of the public administrations, after the interested party has indicated the elements that are indispensable for finding the information or data requested, or to accept the substitute declaration produced by the interested party (omissis).”
More information on Unife's “Decertification” page.
Exceptions: Certified for Dis-Coll purposes