Enrolment renewal
The annual report
At the end of each year, those enrolled in doctoral courses are obliged to submit a detailed report on the activity and research carried out to the Board of Teachers, which will take care of its preservation and which, after evaluating the assiduity and industriousness demonstrated by the course member, will propose to the Rector the continuation of the doctoral program or its exclusion (link to plans to be filled out).
Ph.D. students enrolled since Cycle XXX (and later) should complete the annual final plan and submit it to their Coordinator by October 10.
How to pay the tax
- Log in to your UniFe member area and LOGIN.
- Select the “Payments” item found in the left menu then click on the tuition fee invoice number (corresponding to the red traffic light). In the case of a doctoral student who is not in good standing with the previous year's fees, multiple invoices corresponding to the defaulted installments and related late fees will be highlighted. In order to regularize your enrollment you will have to pay all invoices by the deadlines established for each Cycle.
- The procedure will make you choose between pagoPA and Bulletin Mav.
- With pagoPA you can pay:
- ONLINE with
- credit card, relying on one of the proposed banking institutions
- bank transfer (home banking) - Check the list of proposed banking institutions to see if yours is present
- PERSONALLY at a credit institution or at other types of public merchants (e.g., tobacco shops
- Instructions for making tax and contribution payments with pagoPA ( Italian - English )
- ONLINE with
- Students can alternatively view and print the MAV bulletin of university installments in the “payments” section of their reserved area.
- With pagoPA you can pay:
Documents to be submitted:
- Enrollment for the following year, must be made from November 2 and by November 30, through the payment of the first installment of the annual fees provided.
- Registration renewal must be done EXCLUSIVELY through the ON LINE procedure by accessing http://studiare.unife.it
Late payment contributions
A late payment fee, in the amount indicated below, shall be charged for payments made after the set deadlines:
The payment of registration installments, made after the set deadlines, shall be charged an additional fee for exceeding the payment deadline, in the amount indicated below:
- up to 7 days late 10 Euro
- from 8 to 15 days late 30 Euro
- over 16 days of delay 60 Euro
The payment can be made at UniCredit Banca, using the relevant slip, which will be automatically available in the “payments” section, of the student's reserved area, within 6 working days from the date of payment of the enrollment installment. The payment can, in addition, be made, using a credit card, by connecting to the same web area mentioned above.
In the computation of late days, holidays are also to be calculated. A student who is not in good standing with the payment of fees and contributions may not carry out any act of university career in the part where he/she is in default of the fees and university contributions due.