International Mobility


Annually, IUSS allocates part of the budget assigned by the University to the encouragement of international mobility of doctoral and post-doctoral students, providing for the issuance of special calls for mobility aimed at the reimbursement of mission costs abroad and/or the provision of suitable additional mobility grants.

The calls, issued by Rectoral Decree, provide for:

internazionale.jpeg(a) The precise indication of the available budget;

(b) The documents required for participation in the comparative procedure;

(c) The criteria for evaluating applications and the method of allocation of resources;

(d) the deadline for the use of funding.

The public notice for the allocation of financial contributions for stays at foreign institutions for doctoral and postdoctoral students enrolled in Unife PhD programs is usually published by the first half of February. Ph.D. and Ph.D. students who have already started their mobility period abroad for the calendar year of the notice may also participate in the allocation of grants.

IUSS mobility call 2025

The applications for the IUSS mobility Call are open.

Go to the Call

Apply to the call

Deadline 31/03/2025 12.00 (noon)