Advisory Board


The Advisory Board is an advisory body of the IUSS Board, whose members are external to the roles of the University, responsible for the periodic analysis of the University's Doctoral System by providing an overall assessment of it and appropriate proposals for improvement or consolidation with respect to the stated objectives and the reference context.

The Advisory Board is designated by the Academic Governing Bodies, upon proposal of the IUSS Board, and its members must correspond to profiles of high qualification and competence with respect to the stated objectives for the Doctoral System. The composition of the Advisory Board must relate back to the local, national, international and cross-sectorial context on which the Doctoral System fits, and must be representative of both the stakeholders interested in the cultural and professional profiles outgoing, and the professionals and scientists who are experts in the field able to assess the impact and the capacity to create Public Value of the entire System with respect to the stated objectives, proposing updates and improvements.

The Advisory Board is called upon on at least a three-yearly basis to produce a report on the performance of the Ph.D. programs and the Institute, proposing possible improvement and consolidating actions, which will be analyzed by the IUSS Board and the Academic Boards for the adoption of possible corrective and improvement actions both in the Institute's processes and in the Ph.D. programs.

See the 2024 report

Advisory Board IUSS for the period 2024-2026

  • Dr. Tamara Labadze, Head of Confindustria Emilia Area Centro for the Training and Schooling Sector, whose profile responds to the need to ensure expertise that covers the area of industrial interest, with a keen eye on training aspects and relations with the University on the part of Enterprises;
  • Dr. Lucas Zinner, Head of Research Services and Career Development at the University of Vienna and President of the Governing Council of the International Network “P.R.I.D.E. - Professionals in Doctoral Education,” whose profile responds to the will to ensure an expertise that goes to cover the area of professionals in the field with a thorough knowledge of European doctoral systems;
  • Dr. Alain Marenghi, Senior Project Manager of the Pillar Training-Program TTIP for the PNRR Ecosister Project, long-time Project manager-Unit Skills and Territories for Innovation of Art. Er (Consortium Company of Emilia-Romagna created to foster the sustainable growth of the region through the development of innovation and knowledge, attractiveness and internationalization of the territory), whose profile responds to the desire to ensure an expertise that goes to cover the area of interest of territorial stakeholders, P.A. in primis, with moreover an in-depth knowledge of the doctoral systems of the Universities of the Emilia Romagna Region.
  • Dr. Khady Niang, currently Research Fellow at the University Cheikh Anta Diop (Senegal), former student at the University of Ferrara, where she obtained a Ph.D. in Sciences and Technologies for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, and then was the recipient of a Marie Curie fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology