In order to promote the appeal of Unife PhD programs with respect to the national and international context, the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori - IUSS Ferrara 1391 offers subsidized Housing services through its own University College and the availability of some housing facilities distributed in the city.
Access to Housing services is by application, usually concurrent with enrolment, and the rules defined by the IUSS Board currently in effect are:
Eligible recipients
PhD students with administrative headquarters at UNIFE and PhD students enrolled in affiliated Ph.D. programs, including those enrolled in Ph.D. programs of National Interest, who have their administrative headquarters at other universities but carry out their training and research activities predominantly at UNIFE
Criteria and related scores for establishing the allocation ranking list
1) Residency.
- 10 points for residence in Italy outside a radius of 100 km from Ferrara.
2) University of origin.
- 10 points for degree awarded in Italian university other than UNIFE.
- 15 points for a degree awarded abroad.
3) Admission to the doctoral program on the basis of specific international agreements.
- 5 points
In case of a tie, the candidate with the highest Ph.D. program admission grade prevails.
In case of further ties even after this evaluation, the allocation will be made on the basis of age, giving precedence to the youngest person.
Monthly fee
PhD students in possession of a ministerial fellowship, and/or dependent on the University budget and/or other form of financial support greater than or equal to the gross annual amount of the ministerial fellowship (€ 16,243.00), will have to pay directly to the Managing Institution a contribution of € 210.00 per month. In this case, the contribution that will be borne by IUSS is 235 €.
PhD students not in possession of a ministerial grant, and/or charged to the University budget and/or other form of financial support greater than or equal to the gross annual amount of the ministerial grant (€ 16,243.00), will have to pay the sum equal to € 110.00 monthly. In this case, the contribution to be paid by IUSS is € 335.
Where applicable, in the presence of an international agreement that explicitly places the full coverage of the housing costs of PhD students selected under these agreements at the expense of UNIFE, the cost will be fully covered with IUSS funds
Duration of housing at subsidized cost
The beneficiary in possession of a scholarship is eligible for subsidized cost housing from IUSS until the end of the 1st year of the Course.
In the case of a recipient without financial support or with scholarship equivalent financial support of less than €12,000 gross per year, the benefit remains until the completion of the degree.
General rules
Early cancellation of housing must be communicated by e-mail at least one full month before the cancellation.
Housing beneficiaries are required to pay the relevant fee even in case of absence due to mobility.
In case of absence for prolonged periods (minimum 3 months), upon proper notification at least one full month in advance and having the accommodation completely cleared of their belongings, beneficiaries will be exempted from paying the monthly fee for the notified period. In this case, however, the accommodation upon return from mobility cannot be guaranteed.
An agreement must be signed between the beneficiaries and the Institute where the rules of use of the spaces granted and the cases subject to possible exclusion from the benefit before the natural expiration date are regulated.