
Studiare all'estero

Among the internationalization processes promoted by the University of Ferrara, in line with the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training formulated at European level, Unife invests in PhD courses by strengthening their international dimension.

In particular, on the basis of special collaboration agreements with foreign universities and public or private research institutions, international double degree courses (PhD Sandwich) and international PhD courses are active. Co-authored doctoral theses, the issuing of the additional Doctor Europeaus certificate and the mobility of doctoral students are also promoted and encouraged.

During the mobility period abroad, the amount of the grant is increased by 50% from the first day of the stay, up to a maximum of 12 months, which increases to 18 months in the case of mobility following a co-supervisory agreement.

Ph.D. and international dual degree pathways

Architecture and Urban Planning

International Ph.D. course in partnership with Polis University di Tirana


Joint Ph.D programme with Polish Academy of Science - Institute of Nuclear Physics


Ph.D. programme in partnership with Wrocław University

Earth and Marine Sciences

Joint Ph.D. programme with Università di Cadice


Joint Ph.D. programme in Transcendental Philosophy with Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná.


What it is

The thesis cotutelle allows to obtain the double title of PhD, recognized in the two countries between which the specific agreement has been stipulated. In order to activate the cotutelle, the favorable opinion of the Doctoral Course Academic Board is required, propedeutic to the signing of the agreement by the two Rectors and possibly the Course Coordinators and supervisors.
The doctoral student will carry out the research activity in alternating periods in the two institutions under the joint supervision of the designated professors of the respective Doctorates.

How it is activated

Thesis cotutelle is activated by means of a special agreement stipulated between the Rectors of the Universities involved, subject to its approval by the Course Academic Board. Doctoral thesis cotutelle can be implemented in favor of doctoral students enrolled in the 1st year of the course. The academic board may also authorize the activation of a thesis cotutelle for doctoral students enrolled in the 2nd year of the course if there are special scientific interests.

Currently, the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) has signed framework agreements for the implementation of thesis cotutelations with several countries:

How it works

Beyond the agreements mentioned above, it is still possible to activate a thesis cotutelle with institutions in other foreign countries as long as a framework agreement is established in advance between the University of Ferrara and the involved foreign university .

The basic aspects to be considered for a cotutelle course are common to all agreements:

  • Mandatory enrollment in a doctoral program, according to the regulations in force in one of the two countries
  • Favorable opinion of the academic board
  • Stipulation of a named agreement for each doctoral student, signed by the two Rectors
  • Obligation to conduct research in alternate periods in the institutions of the two countries under the supervision of the two thesis directors
  • Final examination in the presence of a joint commission composed equally of members from both institutions.
  • Outlines of framework and individual agreements are available upon request from the Doctoral Office.

The convention outline, duly completed and accompanied by the resolution of approval of the Academic Board, must be sent to the Ph.D. Office, which will arrange for the signature by the Dean and sending to the partner university.

However, it is possible to use convention outlines proposed by other universities, as long as they comply with the framework agreements.

In this case, the text of the agreement agreed upon with the foreign counterpart and accompanied by the resolution of approval of the Academic Board must be sent to the Ph.D. Office, which will forward it to the Academic Senate for approval and subsequent signature by the Dean.

Linee guida

Label Doctor Europaeus

The Doctor Europaeus label is an additional certification to the PhD title, which can be awarded but is not an academic title with supranational value, nor is it a title conferred by international institutions.

This certification must meet the criteria defined by the European University Association (EUA).

The additional certification of Doctor Europaeus may be granted by the University, upon resolution of the College of Teachers, when the following four conditions are met:

  • Positive judgment on the thesis work granted by at least two referees, appointed by the Board of Lecturers, belonging to foreign university institutions in two different countries of Europe (not Italy); the reports of the referees will be attached to the minutes of the final examination for the candidate;
  • Presence on the committee of at least one member from a foreign European university institution;
  • Discussion of the thesis supported in a European language other than Italian;
  • The doctoral thesis must be the result of a period of work and research abroad lasting at least 3 months in a European country other than Italy.

International mobility

The international mobility of doctoral and post-doctoral students is encouraged and supported by the University through supplementary financial allocations, in the form of reimbursement of mission costs abroad and/or real mobility grants in addition to the ordinary scholarship.

Doctoral students, in addition to the possible use of the research budget available to them and the increased scholarship for periods of training and research abroad, can apply for access to contributions, in the form of mission reimbursements, in order to support periods of mobility abroad by participating in the calls annually promoted by IUSS.

Similarly, Ph.D. and Ph.D. students can apply for mobility grants in addition to the ordinary scholarship by participating in the mobility calls (Erasmus+, Atlas, etc.) issued annually by the University.

IUSS Mobility Calls

University Calls