Advanced Therapies and Experimental Pharmacology
Translational Medicine and for RomagnaCFU
italian and englishDuration
3 yearsAccess
Academic qualifications and interviewYear
2024/25 40th CyclePresentazione del corso
The PhD program in Advanced Therapies and Experimental Pharmacology (TAFS) aims to train highly qualified researchers and professionals in the biomedical field, with advanced skills in both preclinical and clinical settings, focused on the development of innovative therapies. The program stands out for its interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approach, integrating areas of experimental pharmacology (cellular, tissue, and gene-based) with advanced therapies to bridge theoretical knowledge and clinical applications.
Structured to provide comprehensive training, the TAFS PhD program enables students to range from basic research to applied experimentation, developing cross-disciplinary skills essential for addressing the challenges of modern research. Educational activities are designed to foster the personal and professional growth of doctoral candidates, offering a wide range of learning and research opportunities in scientific fields spanning both preclinical and clinical sectors.
The TAFS PhD program also promotes strong internationalization by supporting collaborations with foreign universities and research centers and encouraging participation in international research programs and projects. The course aims to enhance the professional prospects of its doctoral candidates by leveraging their acquired skills and creating new educational and career opportunities in multidisciplinary contexts, both within and beyond academia.
Prof. Katia Varani
Academic Board
- Bertagnolo Valeria
- Bertini Matteo
- Bianchi Nicoletta
- Bianchini Chiara
- Bortolotti Daria
- Bovolenta Matteo
- Busin Massimo
- Caccianiga Gianluigi
- Caio Giacomo Pietro
- Calabro' Luana
- Campo Gianluca Calogero
- Caputo Antonella
- Caputo Fabio
- Carinci Francesco
- Carra Maria Clotilde
- Caselli Elisabetta
- Castellazzi Massimiliano
- Celeghini Claudio
- Cervellati Carlo
- Ciorba Andrea
- Contoli Marco
- De Angelis Nicola
- De Giorgio Roberto
- Feo Carlo
- Ferretti Stefano
- Gaudio Rosa Maria
- Gavioli Riccardo
- Gemmati Donato
- Gessi Stefania
- Gianesini Sergio
- Giganti Melchiore
- Lauritano Dorina
- Lombardo Luca
- Manfredini Roberto
- Marci Roberto
- Marconi Peggy Carla Raffaella
- Marcuzzi Annalisa
- Marti Matteo
- Merighi Stefania
- Mura Marco
- Neri Luca Maria
- Occhionorelli Savino
- Papi Alberto
- Parmeggiani Francesco
- Passaro Angelina
- Pellegrini Marco
- Ragazzi Riccardo
- Rimondi Erika
- Rizzo Paola
- Rizzo Roberta
- Romani Arianna
- Secchiero Paola
- Sergi Domenico
- Simioni Carolina
- Spadaro Savino
- Stomeo Francesco
- Tinazzi Martini Gobbo Stefano
- Tisato Veronica
- Uccelli Licia
- Vincenzi Fabrizio
- Volinia Stefano
- Volta Carlo Alberto
- Yu Angeli Christy
- Zuliani Giovanni
Other University
Training Objectives
The PhD in Advanced Therapies and Experimental Pharmacology (TAFS) aims to equip doctoral candidates with advanced methodological and technical tools to conduct specialized research in the field of advanced therapies. The program fosters the development of interdisciplinary skills in biomedical research, from molecular approaches to clinical experimentation, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the improvement of public health.
The program is designed to provide robust pathophysiological knowledge to identify and test innovative pharmacological strategies. Additionally, it seeks to develop specialized competencies for studying widespread diseases, leveraging big data analysis and the use of artificial intelligence systems equipped with advanced algorithms for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
The training is enriched by seminars, practical courses, and internships, guided by members of the Academic Board and experts from prominent national and international institutions, as well as professionals from the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries. Doctoral candidates also participate in national and international conferences, completing their training path through the preparation of annual scientific reports.
The program includes periods of study abroad (a minimum of three months) at international universities and research centers and internships at Italian public and private institutions. These experiences are organized to foster integration between preclinical and clinical research, enabling doctoral candidates to apply their acquired skills to studying diseases with a high impact on public health.
With access to advanced equipment and financial resources provided by various research groups, the program ensures an ideal environment for educational and scientific activities, promoting a multidisciplinary approach with significant impacts on the healthcare sector. The PhD’s scientific path is centered on experimental work conducted primarily in laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and instruments. The program also benefits from facilities such as classrooms, libraries, multimedia rooms, and specialized outpatient clinics in the clinical domain.
Upon completion of the program, doctoral candidates will have acquired skills applicable in both public and private contexts, including: -University research laboratories and national and international research centers; -Pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, with a focus on research, development, and quality control; -Healthcare and hospital facilities specializing in biotechnologies; -Biomedical and pharmacological consulting centers; -Regulatory bodies for healthcare and patent policies; -Quality Monitoring and Assurance.
Research Topics
The TAFS PhD program includes the following research areas:
- Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies through innovative techniques. Study and development of cutting-edge techniques for treating genetic and degenerative diseases using advanced therapies. The primary focus is on the use of gene therapy to correct genetic mutations and innovations in biomaterials designed to improve biological interaction and support tissue regeneration. Advanced tissue engineering solutions are also explored to restore tissue functionality, promoting efficient and natural recovery.
- Experimental Pharmacology. Study of the dynamics between drugs and receptors. Identification and validation of pharmacological targets for the development of innovative therapies. Research includes identifying specific molecular targets involved in complex diseases such as oncological, neurodegenerative, and inflammatory conditions. Development of new therapeutic compounds through advanced molecular screening techniques and pharmacological characterization. Use of cellular and animal models to confirm the efficacy and safety of potential new therapeutic strategies.
- Experimental Toxicology. Pharmacological-toxicological characterization of substances of abuse. Analysis of mechanisms of action, neurotoxic effects, and addiction risks of substances of abuse through preclinical “in vitro” and “in vivo” approaches.
- Identification of specific biomarkers for diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive applications. Use of advanced genomics and proteomics techniques, with particular emphasis on clinical validation of reliable biomarkers to enhance early diagnosis, disease progression prediction, and therapy personalization, promoting an evidence-based approach and greater precision in treatments.
- Translational Medicine. Development and implementation of research projects aimed at rapidly translating laboratory discoveries into clinical applications. The program focuses on advanced studies using animal models and phase I-III clinical trials to ensure a safe and effective transition to clinical practice. The goal is to integrate the most promising scientific innovations into patient care, improving diagnoses, treatments, and therapeutic outcomes through a multidisciplinary and evidence-based approach.
- Precision Medicine. In-depth study of molecular bases determining individual variations in treatment responses using advanced sequencing technologies. The program aims to identify key genetic variants and relevant molecular biomarkers, enabling targeted and optimized therapeutic approaches that maximize efficacy while reducing side effects.
- Molecular and Metabolic Basis of Diseases. Exploration of metabolic networks and cellular mechanisms contributing to disease pathogenesis to identify new therapeutic targets. Using advanced metabolomics, genetics, and cellular pathway analyses, the research focuses on genetic, epigenetic, and proteomic alterations in diseases to discover innovative diagnostic markers and develop therapies targeting the molecular causes of diseases.
- Cellular and Tissue Morphology. In-depth study of cellular and tissue morphology using advanced imaging techniques such as confocal microscopy and laser scanning tomography to understand cellular and tissue alterations associated with diseases.
- Advanced Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Design, conduct, and analysis of epidemiological studies, directly applying findings to data collection and evaluation. Integration of epidemiological and biostatistical methodologies for observational and experimental studies, using advanced statistical models for analyzing complex data. The objective is to support healthcare interventions based on solid scientific evidence, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare decision-making.
- Clinical Data and Imaging Analysis through Artificial Intelligence strategies. Use of advanced AI techniques, such as machine learning and deep learning, to analyze extensive clinical and imaging datasets, guiding diagnosis, prognosis, and patient management while contributing to a more personalized and efficient medicine.
Training Program
The educational activities of the TAFS PhD program encompass both specific topics related to the doctoral candidate's research project and broader subjects relevant to the discussion of science and its societal impact within the context of the field. The scientific areas covered by the PhD program involve a variety of methodologies that require an integrated theoretical and practical approach to achieve knowledge outcomes proportional to the complexity of the issues addressed.
Each doctoral candidate is supported by a supervising professor and one or more co-supervisors responsible for the scientific quality of their training path. The supervisor guides the candidate through various stages of study and research, enhancing their skills and potential within the national and international academic and scientific communities and in any external professional experiences.
The three-year doctoral program includes participation in advanced training courses and seminars, accompanied by intensive involvement in research activities. The journey is enriched by presenting research progress at national and international scientific conferences and producing a variety of scientific works, including articles, essays, volumes, and multimedia materials. These activities aim to consolidate the candidate's skills and promote the dissemination of research results within the scientific community.
In the TAFS PhD training program, lectures and seminars are delivered by Italian and international scholars and experts of high standing from academia, research institutions, and healthcare companies. The educational activities are organized in an accessible and comprehensive schedule for doctoral candidates, including training courses, specialized seminar series, and multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary activities. These activities are balanced to effectively support the research commitments of the candidates. This approach fosters scientific growth and autonomy among the candidates.
The program actively promotes the development of doctoral candidates as members of the scientific community, encouraging them to present their research findings, critically review progress reports, and discuss future perspectives. They are encouraged to participate as speakers in national and international congresses and workshops, thus consolidating their role in the academic community.
The educational activities also aim to develop the candidates' ability to independently conceive, design, execute, and disseminate research and innovation projects.
In the preclinical area, candidates acquire a solid foundation in biochemistry, molecular and applied biology, pharmacology, and human anatomy through cutting-edge technologies applied to experimental research. In the clinical and specialist area, the program covers various disciplines, including diagnostics (clinical microbiology, pathology, forensic medicine, laboratory medicine, and applied dietary sciences), surgical-anesthesiological and specialist fields (internal medicine, oncology, cardiovascular diseases, dental diseases, otorhinolaryngology, audiology and vision sciences, and physical and rehabilitative medicine).
Adequate financial and structural resources are provided for research activities by supervisors and the affiliated department. The PhD program promotes and supports the participation of doctoral candidates in teaching and tutoring activities, aligned with their research activities, while strengthening national and international scientific relationships.
Doctoral candidates are guaranteed opportunities for mobility to qualified academic, industrial, or research institutions, both in Italy and abroad, consistent with their research projects and for an appropriate duration. This ensures a complete and enriching training experience.
Internationalization and Public Engagement
The TAFS PhD program pursues mobility objectives, both inbound and outbound, as well as internationalization goals, achieved through specific meetings with companies in the sector, research institutions, cultural and social organizations, with particular emphasis on international experiences. Additionally, the program strengthens national and international scientific relationships by ensuring that doctoral candidates undertake mobility periods consistent with their research project, lasting a minimum of three months, at qualified academic or industrial institutions, or at public or private research entities, both in Italy and abroad.
Study stays abroad must be pre-authorized by the PhD Coordinator and the candidate's supervisor. For continuous periods abroad exceeding six months, authorization from the Academic Board is required. Doctoral candidates receiving a scholarship are also eligible for an increased stipend for each day spent abroad, as specified in the guidelines.
Regarding connections with the productive and social world, the University of Ferrara has long offered Placement Services aimed at supporting graduates and doctoral candidates in seeking professional opportunities. These services allow candidates to consult job offers published by companies on the University platform and submit applications for potential employment opportunities.
One notable initiative is the Career Day, dedicated to fostering connections between businesses and graduates and/or doctoral candidates. It offers an excellent opportunity to meet company staff, trade associations, and professional organizations, attend workshops, training seminars, and company presentations, share curricula with participating companies and organizations, and meet company representatives to arrange curricular internships and stages.
Another significant initiative is the Recruiting Days, designed to strengthen the constructive and positive relationship between the University and companies and to facilitate the transition from studies to employment. These events are specifically dedicated to the selection and subsequent hiring of PhD graduates. They include a well-structured program, with a company representative presenting the corporate structure and a recruitment system based on interviews, tests, internships, and analysis of sought-after professional profiles.
The PhD program promotes internationalization by developing collaborations with foreign universities and research centers and by participating in international research programs and projects. The course aims to enhance the professional prospects and skills acquired during the doctoral program, fostering and developing new training paths beyond academia in multidisciplinary professional contexts.
An example of such collaboration is Impact Science, a company that has been working with the University of Ferrara for several years on the design and development of high-value technological nutraceutical products. This collaboration led to the establishment of an accredited university spin-off called Unichem Estense srl. The inclusion of company employees as PhD candidates in the TAFS program has allowed the implementation of translational university research in developing innovative products not only related to the company's core business but also with societal impact, improving patients' clinical response by applying biotechnology through formulations based on active ingredients and raw materials of the highest quality.
Another notable collaboration is with Moorfields Eye Hospital and Southend University Hospital in the United Kingdom, which provide PhD candidates access to a high-level research environment and the opportunity to contribute to innovative projects. The ultimate goal is to train highly skilled researchers ready to tackle global healthcare challenges through significant contributions to translational medicine.
A significant part of the international fellowship within this PhD program involves the design and validation of devices to improve transplant outcomes. This holds particular relevance in the professional training path, where candidates collaborate with experts in ophthalmology in both clinical and research settings. This collaboration offers substantial opportunities to establish connections with professionals in the healthcare community, enriching their professional network.
Operational and Scientific Structures
Doctoral candidates will have access to laboratories equipped with basic and advanced technologies and instruments, including incubators, centrifuges, spectrophotometers, spectrofluorimeters, optical and fluorescence microscopes, scintillators, PCR thermocyclers, real-time PCR systems, EnSight multimodal readers, flow cytometers, AutoMACS and GentleMACS automatic systems, Luminex technology readers, xCELLigence systems, laser microdissectors, microtomes, FACS, DIGE 2D Fluorescence Difference Gel Electrophoresis, and BD FACSAria Cell Sorters.
They will also have access to specialized libraries, such as the S. Maria delle Grazie Chemistry and Biology Library, which houses 20,000 books. All facilities affiliated with the PhD program have free access to the university library system and the AtoZ online journal catalog. Online subscriptions to major scientific journals in basic and clinical research are available. Doctoral candidates can access the University’s biomedical databases, including Biomed Central, Nature, PubMed (including Medline), Science, and SciFinder.
Doctoral candidates can use the University's Microsoft Office license. They will also have access to data and statistical analysis software, such as GraphPad Prism, Attune NxT Flow Cytometer Software, Kaleido, WorkOur, Nis Element, Soft Max Pro v5.2, Lab Chart AdInstruments, Clarity, and Aperio.
Multimedia rooms at the University and dedicated spaces within individual departments are available. Each laboratory is equipped with personal computers and workstations designated for doctoral candidates' activities.
In the clinical domain, facilities include outpatient clinics and laboratories in ophthalmology, cardiology, internal medicine, anesthesiology, surgery, pathology, oncology, and diagnostics.