

The Ph.D. degree constitutes the highest level of training provided for in the Italian academic system and is aimed at the acquisition of the skills necessary to carry out highly qualified research activities at universities, public institutions and private entities.

Admission to the courses is with limited access and is through a call for applications which is held annualy.

The Ph.D. degree is the highest degree of education in the academic system and provides the skills necessary to carry out highly qualified research activities at universities, public institutions or private entities; it is also useful for access to careers in public administrations or for the exercise of the liberal professions.

The doctoral student is a “researcher/researcher-in-training,” whose training is aimed at obtaining the highest academic degree, while simultaneously involving the doctoral student/researcher in the development of the research activities of the Departments. The doctoral training, therefore, thanks to these characteristics and in coherence with the guidelines shared at the European level, enables the acquisition of methodological rigor, creativity, autonomy, and the ability to address and solve problems of a complex nature, together with specialized and multi-disciplinary skills useful in both academic and business fields.


PhD programs offered cover all areas of research expressed by the University's departments. In particular, there are a total of 14 Doctoral Courses promoted by the University of Ferrara for the academic year 2024/2025, in addition to 2 Doctoral Courses in associated form with administrative headquarters at other Universities. The University of Ferrara also participates, with its own resources, in 12 PhD Courses of National Interest as a partner institution home to training and research activities.

For the academic year 2024/2025, 463 doctoral students are enrolled in UNIFE Doctoral Courses, 87% of whom are recipients of scholarships or equivalent form of funding, while there are 184 doctoral students who have completed their training and are in the process of discussing their dissertation for the degree of PhD.

The employment rate of UNIFE Ph.D.s one year after graduation, as measured by the Employment Survey conducted by the AlmaLaurea Consortium for the year 2023, is 96.1 percent.

PhD Programs

Discover all active PhD courses.

PhD Programs

PhD Programs associated with other Institutions

All doctoral programs in agreement with other universities and research institutions.

PhD Programs associated with other Institutions

PhD Programs of National Interest

Courses in which the Athenaeum participates as a partner

PhD Programs of National Interest

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