Interdisciplinary activities 2013

last modified Jan 21, 2014 04:07 PM


  • Technolocy Transfer Course. "Dalla scienza al mercato: impatti del trasferimento tecnologico sull'economia del Paese",Prof. Nazzareno Mandolesi.

The course is held entirily in Italian, at IUSS Ferrara 1319, main room 1 ground floor, Via Scienze 41/b, each Monday and Thursday from 16th September till 8th October 2013 (10 to 12 am). 5 credits are given for the attendance of 5 lessons. Brochure downloadable.

  • Cycle of seminars about prison rights: "Libri Galeotti. Carcere, pena (e dintorni) nelle pagine di recenti volumi".

The 4 seminars are held entirily in Italian, on Friday fat 17,30 from Friday 20 September 2013, Bookshop, Piazza Trento e Trieste.

3 credits for each conference are given.

Interculturality, beyond cultural interactions explored in demo-ethno-anthropological studies, aims to evidence the speculative notion of interface between different systems of thought. This notion expands on the assumption that both the sciences and the humanities are systems of knowledge and representation. Within this perspective, interculturality indicates the dialectical relationships between scientists and humanities scholars and between their respective methods of inquiry.

  • Workshop about "L'educazione si insegna?". Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Via Paradiso 14. 1 credit is given for the attendance to each seminar.

- 11/3/2013 - ore 11.00-12.30 - Prof. Giovanni Genovesi, I pericoli di un'espressione scorretta

- 25/3/2013 - ore 11.00-12.30 - Prof. Luciana Bellatalla, Dai classici all'epistemologia

- 15/4/2013 - ore 11.00-12.30 - Prof. Elena Marescotti, Il senso dell'autoeducazione permanente

- 27/5/2013 - ore 11.00-12.30 - Dott. Silvia Farina, Una riflessione guidata dalla Didattica e Dott. Anna Ingegneri, Educazione e Formazione: una distinzione necessaria

  • Cambridge ESOL examinations;