Program of study

last modified Dec 17, 2008 05:37 PM

  • Goal of the our doctorate course in Phyisics is the acquisition of the know-how needed to perform high level researches in the field of Physics and its applications.
  • In order to achieve this goal, we make available to our Doctorate students all the facilities, equipment and services available in the our Department and those available in the branch of the INFN Institute, which is hosted in the same Department building. The available facilities include Library, Computer Centre, Electronic service, mechanical workshop service, Particle Detector and Semiconductor development labs, X—ray Facility, laboratories of Quantum optics, atmosphere physics and magnetic materials, administration service.


  • The scientific relevance of the Physics Department and its capability of joining new scientists are obtained given that in our Department about 70 Physicists and Engineers, partly with permanent positions of Full/Associate Professor  and partly with positions of University or INFN  researcher or technologist, operate and contribute to the doctorate student formation.


  • Most of the scientists or professors have their reasearch groups, have international collaborations and face issues of high scientific-technical relevance. In the last years the Physics Department has obtained  results of key importance in several fields, ranging from the fundamental physics (Gamma Ray Bursts, heavy quarks, CP symmetry, computer sceince devoted to theoretical physics) to the applied physics (solar energy exploitement, sensor development for the environment monitoring,  PET tomography, nano-structures and nano-material development).