Program of study

last modified Dec 19, 2008 08:03 PM

The main aim and objective of the Doctorate of Research in Mathematics and Informatics/Computer Science programme is the development of highly qualified professional individuals who can be fruitfully employed in advanced scientific research, both at a fundamental as well as at an applied level, in a variety of areas in Mathematics and Informatics. These would typically include activity in universities, research institutes, industry, public administration as well as in independent commercial ventures. The present doctoral programme follows the succesful completion of courses in the Laurea Magistrale in Matematica and that  in Informatics of the Faculty of SMFN and is the natural continuation of the common scientific methodology of these which integrates existing collaborations and encourages further developments.


On completion of this Doctorate, a succesful candidate is expected:

  •  to be capable of independent research activity leading to  relevant original results,

  •  to have produced research articles of an appropriate level for publication in pecialized journals and which are worthy of presentation at scientific meetings,

  • to have developed a high level in a variety of communication skills through participating in seminars and in the teaching of courses,

  •  to have developed a wide range of interpersonal skills which are essential in group activity and interaction with other esearchers,

  •  to have the important capacity of critical appreciation and evaluation of scientific work and of  scientific communication, including in English, of  both verbal and written form.

To achieve these objectives, the collaboration of domestic and foreign institutions of research, including universities, will play a significant role offering the possibility of the doctoral candidate to spend periods of study with them. In addition, there will also be useful productive links with the institutions of  Centro di Calcolo Interuniversitario dell'Italia Nord-Orientale (CINECA) and INFN.