last modified Jul 25, 2012 01:03 PM

The curriculum in Palaeontology and Museology is devoted to the development of the palaeobiological research with the following aims:

  • to improve the knowledge of biologic evolution and past ecosystems also in relation to climatic and geographic changes of the Earth planet, mainly by means the study of foraminifera and marine invertebrates (molluscs and brachiopods);

  • to promote and highlight the importance of the palaeontological heritage in the protection, exploitation and musealization of the cultural and environmental heritage.

As far as the first topic is concerned, the main lines of research are aimed at investigating crucial intervals of Earth history, such as biotic crisis and recoveries, marked climatic, environmental and oceanographic changes from the Permian to the Holocene. These research lines may also be applied to the hydrocarbon industry, environmental bio-monitoring and museology, offering several employment possibilities.