Program of study

last modified Dec 17, 2008 04:00 PM


The doctorate in Chemical Sciences originates from consciousness within the Department of Chemistry of its highly qualified scientific competence developed over the years in research covering most areas of chemical investigations. Specifically, five fundamental areas can be mentioned: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry; Physical, Structural and Computational Chemistry; Inorganic Synthesis and Reactivity; Organic Synthesis and Reactivity.


Research topics form a homogeneous and interconnected body, where two main directions can be singled out, i.e., chemical reactivity and analytical and physical chemical investigation methodologies.


All laboratories active in the areas represented are well equipped to carry on advanced research and are then able to guarantee the high level of preparation that the Doctorate requires. Routine apparatus present in the single laboratories is well integrated by large, more advanced instrumentation which can be accessed by all groups.


The research activities benefit from various collaborations with international research institutions, which is of paramount important in view of:

  • access to international and EU projects
  • collaborations with private companies and industries through research contracts which can possibly provide grants to support graduate students
  • the possibility for our students to carry on research at either public or private foreign laboratories.


Independently from the branch of chemical research chosen, Doctors of Chemical Science will be highly qualified and will  be able to undertake independent advanced research. They will be ready to hold responsibility positions in academic as well as in industrial institutions.