Program of study

last modified Dec 19, 2008 07:46 PM

Goal of this project is to form researcher able to solve main scientific problems related to basic sciences and to the different pathologies of the curricula. A fundamental tool is the partecipation of the students to the scientific activities common to the presented curricula.


Scientific activity common to all curricula. Biomelecular technologies: geneitc expression analysis, gene structure analysis, methodology for the identification of DNA binding proteins, RNA isolation technics, northen blotting, DNA sequencing techniques, DNA/RNA amplification techniques, gene cloning. Cellular technologies: cell coltures, colture systems, cell cloning.


C1: hemathopoietic cellular differentiation, molecular and cellular mechanisms for the maturation of myeloid precursor into granulocytes.   In vitro and in vivo experimental neurotoxicity. Biological effects of viral proteins.


C2: Neurogenesis of dopaminergic neurons in the adult central nervous system; elementary mechanisms of transport and permeation in excitable membranes; analysis of the information processing in neuronal networks


C3:Endocrine general functions, hormonal mechanisms of action in normal and pathologic circumstances, signal transduction alterations in metabolic/neoplastic disorders of the endocrine system.


C4: Physiology of integrated motory functions.


C5: neurophysiology, neurobiology of the auditory function, particulary concerning the genetic and molecular aspects and stem cells study auditory pathways.


C6: high level knowledge of the respiratory function and particularly of the biological and structural effectsof the physical exercise (for sport or riabilitative purpose) on the respiratory apparatus.


C7: Exercise induced modifications in biology and patho-physiology of vascular diseases.


C8: Biomedical sciences applied to mechanisms of tissue injury and repair, with particular interest to those of vascular origin.