Program of study

last modified Jan 15, 2010 04:30 PM

The PhD Programme in Economics of the University of Ferrara is connoted by an interdisciplinary and international approach. A strict interaction between economics and business, public administration, urban and regional disciplines is provided in the Programme, which is organized in three different courses (curricula):

-         the first course (curriculum) concerns topics of applied economics and economic policies;

-         the second course (curriculum) concerns topics of business management, organization and accounting;

-         the third course (curriculum) concerns  topics of economics and management of the Public Administration relating to public policies and regional and local development dynamics.


The international character of the Programme is assured:

-         through the participation of foreign faculties and researchers involved in the PhD activities;

-         by the propensity of PhD students for experiences in foreign countries and universities aimed to stimulate innovative research paths, fully positioned within the current scientific international debate.