Guidelines of the Doctorate Degree Plan of the Macro-area of Medicine and Biology

last modified Feb 13, 2013 01:06 PM

The doctorates of the macro-area of Medicine and Biology are based on three years of graduate coursework divided in the following manner:


The First Year

10 credits for Interdisciplinary Activity or Activity from Ateneo

from 5 to 10 credits of Academic Activity in the Macro-area

form 45 to 40 credits of Academic Activity on the level of the individual Doctorate Programs (of which at least 20 are for Research Activity)


The Second Year

60 credits of Academic Activity on the level of the individual Doctorate Programs (of which at least 20 are for Research Activity)


The Third Year

60 credits of Academic Activity on the level of the individual Doctorate Programs (of which 20 are for the writing of the thesis and at least 30 are for Research Activity)


The credits for academic activity in the macro-area are founded on a common teaching for the five doctorate programs started in the 20th cycle of the Italian doctorate program system. These credits can be obtained by participation in seminars and specialization courses decided by the Coordinators of the doctorates in the macro-area. It has been established that 1 credit will be given for 1 hour of seminar and 1 credit for every 2 hours of a specialization course.


The credits for academic activity on the level the individual doctorate programs can be obtained by participation in laboratory activity, seminars, journal clubs, specialization courses organized on the level of the individual doctorates, conferences, and sojourns abroad.

It has been established that 1 credit will be given for 2 hours of Journal Club, 1 credit for two hours of seminars, 1 credit for 12 hours of laboratory activity, and 2-4 hours of credit for participation in national and international conferences.

For sojourns in research laboratories abroad, 6 credits will be given for three weeks of sojourn.

If approved by the faculty, courses taken in the doctorate programs of Ateneo or in doctorate programs of other universities in Italy and abroad may be inserted into the doctorate degree plan.